Rowman and Littlefield International

Global Offices and Agents


Last May, Bloomsbury acquired the academic and professional division of the Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group. As a result, the remaining consumer imprints rebranded as Globe Pequot Publishing Group.

Imprints of the Globe Pequot Publishing Group: Astragal Press, Bridge Works Publishing, Cooper Square Press, Down East Books, Falcon Guides, Farview Press, Globe Pequot, Gooseberry Patch, Headwater, Lyons Press, McBooks, Muddy Boots, M. Evans & Co., Madison Books, North Country Books, Pineapple Press, Prometheus Books, Riverbend, Roberts Rinehart, Safari Press, Scarborough House, Stackpole Books, Stein & Day, Taylor Trade Publishing, The Derrydale Press, TwoDot Books

Rowman & Littlefield imprints now owned by Bloomsbury: Altamira, Amadeus Press, Applause Books, Austin Winfield, Backbeat Books, Bernan Press, Cowley Publications, Hal Leonard, Hamilton Books, Ivan R. Dee, Jason Aronson, JS Sanders, Lexington Books, Limelight Editions, New Amsterdam, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Scarecrow Press, University Press of America


Both Rowman & Littlefield titles and books published by Globe Pequot remain available through Ingram Publisher Services UK.


International Sales Representatives & Distributors


For Rowman & Littlefield imprints, including The Revised Standard Edition of the Complete psychological Works of Sigmund Freud:

Fazi Ramjhun
[email protected]


For Globe Pequot Publishing Group imprints:

Jason Brockwell
[email protected]


For Rowman & Littlefield and Globe Pequot Publishing Group:


Middle East
Avicenna Partnership Ltd., UK
Bill Kennedy
[email protected]
+44 7802 244457


Rombic Concepts Ltd
Ibadan, Nigeria
[email protected]
+234 (0)8033280593


Southern Africa
Jonathan Ball Publishers
Cape Town, South Africa
[email protected]
+27 11 601 8000


India, Pakistan, Bangladesh & Sri Lanka
The White Partnership
Andrew White
[email protected]
+44 (0)1892 557767


Sino Publisher Services
Hong Kong, China
[email protected]
+852 3520 2070
+86 135 2155 5031


Australia & New Zealand
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[email protected]
+61 2 8445 2300


Tokyo, Japan
[email protected]
Tel: +81 3 3518 9449


Wise Book Solutions
Seoul, Korea
[email protected]
+82 2 499 4301


Taiwan, Hong Kong & the Philippines
Thames & Hudson Asia
[email protected]


Singapore, Vietnam, Indonesia, Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar & Brunei
Taylor & Francis Asia Pacific
[email protected]
+65 6508 2888


Taylor & Francis Publishing Services
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
[email protected]
+60 (03) 5630 1361


Mexico, Central & South America, & Caribbean including Puerto Rico
Catamount International LLC
[email protected]
Tel: +1 917 512 1962


North America


USA & Canada
Rowman & Littlefield Customer Service
[email protected]
+1 800-462-6420